Pat Nicholson is a children’s book author with a focus on kindness and compassionate behavior. Her books encourage education, consideration, and other life lessons for children of all ages… including grief.

Thank you so much for visiting my site.

I hope you'll choose to buy my children's books and to share my work with your family, friends, and students. My books tend to follow the developmental pattern of most children (babies to grade 4 reading levels). However, the messages contained are timeless, and intended for every age. Parents and teachers have also used my books for older children and adults who might be considered to have developmental challenges.

Believing that we all own the power to choose kindness over hurtful words and actions, I write books which will continue to elicit great discussions about our world and everyone in it... including spiders!

Happy reading!

-Pat Nicholson

Pat’s editor, Maggie, hard at work.

Pat’s editor, Maggie, hard at work.


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